hey, my name is ANNIE ZHOU
i'm a life-long learner & go-getter

about me


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Hi! I'm Annie. I study Information Science & Data Science at Cornell University. I'm a soft boiled egg enthusiast and lover of ampersands. I'm fascinated by design and data and aspire to explore them both in the future. I have experience in content writing as a Technical Writer at AWS writing machine learning tutorials, and in product management working on the game development team. I'm launching an ed-tech platform to Cornell Summer Session Classes this summer! Outside of work, I enjoy poetry and writing Yelp reviews. I love to talk about everything and anything, so feel free to reach out!

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Lambda is a multi-dimensional visual analyzer of your top Spotify tracks, mapping out trends in preference, energy, valence, popularity, and tempo. Built with JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Spotify Web API, Genius Web API, Sentiment from ml5.js, and p5.js library.

Little Culinary

Simulation game inspired by cooking competition "Chopped" and web game "Little Alchemy 2." Users are given a basket of mystery ingredients and challenged to create a dish utilizing them, competing against a game AI. Webscraping is used to determine final winner. Built with Python, Selenium module, and tkinter.


iOS app to combat drowsy driving. Continually tracks if user is exhibiting signs of drowsiness, and sounds an alarm to wake them up. Built with Swift and Apple Vision Framework.

Particle Physics Animation

Scientific visualization breaking down particle physics for students. Vector graphics created using Adobe Illustrator, animation created using Adobe Animate, 3D animation created using Blender.


Looking for summer opportunities, or just an interesting conversation.

Let's talk!